#4: Why I'm Starting Something New and Why It Matters

#4: Why I'm Starting Something New and Why It Matters

Hello. My name is Andrew Tsao, and today I'm going to be doing something that I've never done before. I am going to start something new and decided to share it as openly and vulnerably to document this journey. Because it's not every day you find something that you feel like can be the start of your life's work or your life's purpose. So I'm gonna start by with announcement of what I'm doing next and how I got here.
And finally, I'm gonna share a little bit about why it matters to you. So as of today, I am building and launching a brand new coaching practice as a mindset and creativity coach where I help individuals overcome their biggest limiting beliefs so that they can embrace their inner potential and uncover their authenticity and creativity so ultimately that they can build as well as live their best life. Now it took a while to get here, which is why I feel so empowered to help others as well. To really know about my journey, I have to first start about like 7 years ago. So for the past 7 years, I have been working in tech,
I got into tech initially because I believe that it was the perfect combination of the things I wanna do. I cared about innovation. I cared about environments that were very ambitious, that were very creative. But most importantly, I also cared about, you know, making enough money to not just sustain myself, but be able to kind of live the life I want. Be able to travel, spend on food.
I also wanted a job that looked good to my parents and my peers, something that has a higher status as well as the salary that comes with it. So it was kind of a no brainer that tech drew my attention as well the attention of a lot of my peers, a lot of the people around me. The first thing that challenged the way I thought was the pandemic. So I've been working for startups for up to that point for 5 years now. And when the pandemic hit, I lost my job as a product manager at a at a start up.
And this one in particular shook me because I didn't even realize I had invested a lot of myself into it. I didn't realize that the reason I put so many late nights, weekends of working is because, well, 1, I really believe in the mission, but 2, I really tied my self worth around the job, the company, the title, as well as the salary. So when I lost all those things, I I was lost. And I still remember the headlines during, when I lost my job. New York Times says it's the highest unemployment rate since the great depression.
So I was so scared of all the uncertainty. But it was exactly in that space of fear and even pain. Then I started asking myself questions that maybe I haven't before. I start asking myself questions like, if I were to do anything I want right now, what would that look like? What job would I look like?
And soon those questionings led me to start my own business. It was the first time I started a coaching business where I help others build and launch things on the Internet using no code. And that's what I've been doing for the past two and a half years. And since then, I have done over 750 hours of sessions of coaching with over 18 clients. And time and time again, I've seen how many people have enjoyed working with me.
Even though I found the work really fulfilling, I always know that there was something missing. That the reason why I couldn't show up online to just talk about it seamlessly like it's my life's mission was that something was missing. That even though it was something I consider my zone of excellence, where I had a lot of skill sets and and I had a not a lot of knowledge gained over such a long period of time that my my heart wasn't complete in it. And the more questions I asked myself, the more I realize that this isn't my life's work and that my zone of genius doesn't lie in tech. And that was a mind blowing realization because anyone will rationalize as as maybe being not realistic or not or taking too much risks.
You know, someone would say, hey. Look at this economy right now. It's sort of difficult as it is to to get a job. albeit starting a business. And you should stick with what you know best.
But when I look back at my coaching experience, I realized that it it wasn't it wasn't these technical coaching that was my zone of genius, but how I was able to make people feel. And I cared about empowering these individuals to become simply the best version of themselves. I'm sure there is a lot of you who are out there and potentially watching this video who maybe doing something that you feel like may not be your life's work, may not be aligned to this, your heart or this inner child. And I've been there. I've gone through mountains and hilltops just to kind of find out what authenticity means to me.
And I realized that I want to help others figure out who they are so that they can start doing the things they wanna do and really believe that they can make a living out of it. And that's why I'm here. That's why I'm starting this coaching business, and that's why I'm starting this video because there is a self belief now that even though this is really scary uncharted territory for me, that I believe that is important. And I believe that there are many individuals out there who is just waiting for the right permission, the right suggestions, the right guidance, even the right light and inspiration just to push them to embrace what their heart is telling them, not with society or their parents or or their boss is telling them. And I'm excited to kinda share my journey.
If if anything I shared today resonated with you or is it interesting to you, I invite you to follow along my journey. I am looking forward to to sharing, to to cover out this this path for myself and for others. And I'm gonna be bringing you along with me. I'll see you around.

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